UBS/UMS Demonstation Download
Fill in the following form to qualify for a free demo download of Uniplex Business Software or the Uniplex Universal Mail Server. We will use the information you provide to update our prospect database and to put you on our mailing list for new release and new product information. The fields marked with asterisks are optional; all of the other fields must be completed to qualify for the download.
The software will install in a restricted
use demonstration mode. To evaluate the product more fully, 30
day evaluation licenses are available free of charge. Please contact
your local Uniplex
Sales office for an evaluation license key.
The following platforms have not been ported to
V9.20 or V10.0, but are still available in version 9.10:
- NCR 3000 (Intel) - AT&T SvR4 r 3.0
- Siemens Nixdorf RM400 - Reliant Unix 5.43
- Hewlett Packard HPUX 9.04 thru HPUX 10.40
Please contact your local
sales office for more details.
This download is provided to the public in
good faith in exchange for data about yourself and your company
(if applicable), which will be used by Uniplex for promotional
mailings and will not made available to any other organization.
Please do not proceed if you are not willing to provide ALL of
this information.