onGO Workflow server
What is Workflow?
Workflow systems make it possible to define
a series of tasks within an organization to produce a final outcome.
At each stage in the workflow, one individual or group is responsible
for a specific task. Once the task is complete, the workflow software
ensures that the individuals responsible for the next task are
notified and receive the data they need to execute their stage
of the process.
onGO WorkFlow server
Business processes are to a large extent characterized by the
use of different sources of information, the participation of
a number of individuals, the distribution of varied procedures
plus the simultaneous execution of parallel and sequential activities.
Process management systems (Workflow) facilitate, optimize, and
accelerate operational cycles within the enterprise, eCommerce
and eBusiness create additional challenges within digital, paperless,
process orientated, and departmental/enterprise limits. These
challenges can be addressed by workflow systems in the intranet
and over the internet.
Simply simple! - The browser makes it possible.
By using a Web-based interface it is possible at any time to merge
both internal and external processing components into procedures.
This takes place in the Browser by means of the Intra or Internet
using the user's personal inbox. Processes can be user or group
assigned, access rights permitting.
The use of a clear and concise interface ensures that the system
is simple to operate. Other functions available from the inbox
include reminders, alarms, attachments, notes and a query option.
From the inbox the user can view not only the status of workflow
processes requiring their attention but also the complete process
Ad-hoc functions can also be applied to process cycles at short
notice. (access rights permitting)
Advantages of onGO WorkFlow solutions
Software environment
onGO version 5.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
Operating systems
Microsoft Windows 2000
SUN Solaris 2,6/7/8
AIX 4.3+
HP-UX 11.11